Tuesday 6 April 2010

To 'x' or not to 'x'....

I'm so glad that in the States we don't place an 'x' at the end of texts or emails to represent a kiss. For the life of me I still haven't figured out when it's appropriate to do so in the UK. I mean receiving an x or x's at the end of texts/emails/wallposts/comments from girls is fine. But when it's from boys, I start getting old fashioned about it. Why? Mainly because an 'x' represents a kiss. So is this virtual kiss considered completely casual? Is it the equivalent to the European greeting of kissing each other on the cheek when exchanging salutations? When is it appropriate to give an 'x' at the end of electronic greetings? Is it all right after meeting initially? I literally have no clue. I wish someone would publish a guide to virtual "x-ing"

At times I feel impolite if I don't return the 'x' back to someone I've just met. Oftentimes I wonder if 'x-ing' the opposite sex upon first meeting is normal (i.e. a casual thing) or only if one person is interested in the other. I must admit, I haven't 'x-ed' enough members of the opposite sex in England to fully know about 'x-ing' etiquette. Most texts I receive in England are from American guys and girls, and we don't 'x' each other because Americans just don't do that. Yes! One less thing to worry about, and one less thing that can send mixed signals.
Yay America! US -1 v. UK - 0.

In all honesty I'd feel as though I've cheated on a partner if I were giving "x's" to a member of the opposite sex. Plus I don't want to send mixed signals. At the end of the day, I just don't 'x'. That's been my rule of thumb since I've arrived, so I suppose I'll stick with it.

Finally does 'x-ing' exist in countries other than the UK?